Please help the club by volunteering to fill the fun position of Field Trip Chairperson. Contact Judi Kubes today. Thank you!

Embedding Videos on a Web Page

Streaming video requires special software on the server side. This means it must be hosted on a video sharing site, such as YouTube or Vimeo. You can, however, embed a reference to the video and have it play on one of your web pages without needing to use a link.

If you play your video on a YouTube page, below the video are some tabs. Click on “Share”. On the panel that displays, select “Embed”. This will display the HTML text needed to display your video inside a web page. We recommend you view the Embed Options before copying the text. We recommend removing the option to show suggested videos.

On your Home page or a custom page, use the HTML tab at the bottom of the editor when updating the content for that page. Locate the proper position for your video and paste in the text from YouTube.

You can also embed a video using the editor used for creating your page content. To try this, use the "Insert" tab at the top of the page editor. Use the "Insert External Video" button and paste in the link to your video.

This is essentially the same process used when hosting all of the Visual Pursuits training videos.

This website is hosted by Visual Pursuits, a service provided by Software Pursuits, Inc.