The TPS needs a volunteer to fill the Print Competition Assistant position. Please contact Bruce Severeid to volunteer. We also need two website assistant volunteers. Please contact Cheryl Thielhorn. We can't have a club without volunteers! Thank you!

Welcome To The New Website for the Tacoma Photographic Society!

We have a lot of new features we hope you will enjoy, once you become more familiar with them.  Please take the time to read the information found in the top three items of the Help menu.  The rest of the information is provided by Visual Pursuits.  We can't delete or hide it.  They pertain just to their company and our contract with them.  Feel free to ignore them (except the videos which are quite helpful).  You may use your email address or create a unique name/word to use as your Login Name for the website.

If you don't remember your email address or password:

  • Click on the Login button (top right)

  •  Click on the "Reset Password" button and a temporary password will be emailed to you.  Follow the instructions carefully.

  • Use the new temporary password to log into the website.

  • Go to My Account > My Account Settings which will let you change your Login information to something other than your email address if you prefer.

  •  Please make sure your contact information is up to date.
  • Please note, we are not including your street address.

If you are still having trouble logging into the website, please contact one of our members for assistance.




This website is hosted by Visual Pursuits, a service provided by Software Pursuits, Inc.