We need a volunteer to fill the Print Competition Assistant position and two website assistant volunteers. Please contact the "Management Committee". We can't have a club without volunteers! Thank you!


Tacoma Photographic Society, established in 1956, is a group of avid photographers of all skill levels and diverse interests. We enjoy getting together to share our knowledge, enhance our skills, socialize with other photographers, and meet new friends. We are an award-winning club with members who like nothing more than to get out and shoot.

Although our membership is generally from the Tacoma/Puyallup area, everyone is welcome…. whether you are a budding photographer or a seasoned professional! We enjoy learning from one another and sharing our images!

TPS sponsors a variety of activities to help members develop their photographic skills and interests. Our activities include monthly meetings, competitions, events, field trips, and educational opportunities.

Meetings are open to the public.  You may attend meetings twice as a guest and then must become a member to continue attending meetings.



Presently there are two competition categories:

Two Categories Which Are Based On Image Subject:

  1. Theme - limited to a "Theme Of The Month" which is a specific subject
  2. Open - any subject; however, it must be family friendly (no nude images).

The club may be adding more Categories in the future as our members' photographic interests change.

One Membership Level:

  1. With our latest Bylaws amendment, one annual membership fee of $40 for the year applies to everyone.  Members can submit two photos into the Theme category (a specific subject determined by the "Theme Of The Month") AND two photos into the Open (any subject) category for all monthly print and projection competitions.  These competitions are held each month except July and August when we take time off for the summer so our members may devote their time to traveling and taking amazing photos to use in the upcoming competition year.




Projection Meetings - are held on the first Wednesday of every month (except July & August) with a social time at 6:30 pm followed by a friendly competition with optional critiques from 7 pm to 9 pm via Zoom.  Image critiques are designed to help members improve their capturing and editing skills so elevate their craft to the next level.  Members may enter a maximum of two images into the Projection open competition and two images into the Theme competition.  You must be a club member to enter all TPS Competitions.  Please see the Competitions pages for detailed information. A link is provided at the bottom of this article for members.

Print Meetings - are held on the Third Thursday of every month with a social time at 6:30 pm followed by a review meeting with optional critiques from 7 pm to 9 pm.  Bring your prints no later than 6:50 pm.  Enjoy social interaction at our in-person print meetings located at the Waller Road Grange at 2708 East 64th Street, Tacoma, WA 98404.  This location may be changing in the future.  We are looking for a meeting place that does not charge room rental.  Members may enter a maximum of two images to the Print open competition and two images to the Theme competition.  Image critiques are designed to help members to improve their capturing and editing skills. TPS meetings are suspended during July and August. You must be a club member to enter the Print Competition.  Visitors are welcome.  Please see the Competitions pages for detailed information.

TPS Annual Spring Photo Competition - The club holds an Annual Spring Photo Competition which is displayed at the Washington State Fairgrounds during the Spring Fair in Puyallup each April.  This competition is open to both members and non-members in the local area.  Amateur photographers are invited to compete who derive less than 50% of their income from photos.  This competition accepts printed images only.  Projected images are not allowed.  Prize money and ribbons are awarded to the top 14 place winners: Best of Show, first, second, third, and 10 Awards of Excellence places.  Ribbons are also awarded to 10 Honorable Mention and 6 Judges' Choice winners.  Registration can be done online through the TPS website.  Registration brochures and information are displayed at numerous local businesses including Robi's Lakewood Camera, Washington State Fair Office in Puyallup, Speedy One Hour Photo in Tacoma, Glazer's Camera in Seattle, and Kenmore Camera in Kenmore, WA.  Please see the Competition Page for more details. Please not that this competition is sponsored by TPS and not by the Fairgrounds.  This is a family friendly competition which means no nude photos please!

Annual Competition & Banquet - The TPS holds an annual print and projection competition for images that have been submitted throughout the year by members, with judges from outside the club.  Awards are presented at the banquet which is typically a luncheon or dinner.  This competition is open only to current members. The competition year is September 1 through June 30 of the following year.

Northwest Council of Camera Club - NWCCC is an organization of photography clubs in Western Washington and British Columbia, Canada.  The TPS is a member of the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs and participates in the annual Traveling Image Salon Competition. Only club members are allowed to vote in these competitions. Members will receive an email message with a link to review the images along with instructions on the page to vote for what they consider to be the best five images. To submit images for consideration to the Traveling Salon, you must be a TPS club member.

PSA Club Competitions - PSA, with an International scope, is made up of photography clubs, institutional groups, councils, and individual members.

TPS is one of hundreds of clubs belonging to The Photographic Society of America (PSA).  PSA, founded in 1934, is a world-wide organization providing abundant resources for photographers, from the novice to the professional. PSA offers online learning, webinars, study groups, competitions, mentors and consultants. Membership is in over 80 countries, 5,000 members, 460 Camera Clubs, and 11 Chapters across the United States. PSA itself also offers other activities and services, such as a monthly magazineonline coursesonline photo galleriesmentorsconsultantsexhibitionsrecognition for photographic achievement and serviceannual conference, discounts on photography-related products and services, and more.  Through an individual PSA membership,  you can access these activities. For more information check out their website: https://psa-photo.org/.

Photography clubs compete during a calendar year in six PSA Divisions: Nature, Projected Image Division (open and creative), Photojournalism, Photo Travel, Pictorial Print, 3D.  All images must follow strict PSA guidelines such as no "hand of man" rules for wildlife photography.  The TPS competes in only two divisions:  projected open color and projected open black and white. Individual members may compete in many different Divisions.  Regarding the PSA competitions, there are 3 rounds.  For each round, our PSA Representative submits 6 images (6 color and 6 mono). 

The Tacoma Photographic Society competes in the PSA Interclub Competitions which are open to all PSA member clubs. To win an award at this competition level is an achievement to be very proud of.  You must be a TPS club member to compete in the Interclub Competitions.

Here is PSA’s definition of Monochrome:  An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of gray which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a grayscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example by Sepia, red, gold, etc.) A grayscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work.

Our PSA representative will request images from you through the TPS membership email system.  This request doesn’t necessarily mean your image will be submitted immediately.  The representative may keep a ‘library’ of images from some members and tries to submit a ‘mix’ (not all birds, bears, flowers, etc).  Feel free to submit images through the website email system.  We are especially looking for monochrome images. Our PSA representative will continue to request images that you show at TPS competitions that he/she believes will do well in Interclub and International Competitions.

Personal Image Library - All images uploaded into the monthly Projection and Print Competitions throughout the year are automatically stored in each member's personal and private Image Library.  They are stored for approximately two to five years before we run out of room and must ask the members to deleted some of their photos.  The Administrators cannot access or delete images in your Personal Image Library.  The images can be easily accessed for submission into future competitions such as the TPS Annual Competition & Award Banquet which is held after the end of the competition year.  The TPS competition year is September 1 through the following June 30.


Membership Has Its Privileges! Join the TPS today and participate in these fun and educational events by   clicking here


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