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Fort Worden Historical State Park Field Trip
May 23, 2024
By Rebecca Blackwell

Fort Worden sits on the Strait of San Juan de Fuca near the scenic town of Port Townsend.  The Fort has an abandoned battery which is a warren of tunnels, curves, windows, and artillery hardware.  Over the years, it has received a lot of graffiti, which the park staff hastens to cover, only to have new graffiti painted on top of it.  So, the battery offers an opportunity to shoot architectural details, textures, and light play… and all in an environment that is sheltered from rain, wind and blistering sun… perfect for the fickle weather of Spring in the PNW.  In addition to the battery, the fort has gardens, wildlife, and historical outbuildings and housing units for the troops that were stationed there.  Then there are the beaches and a lighthouse.  

The city of Port Townsend offers some quaint historical downtown architecture, ferries, and some great places to eat.  

Our group spent about half of our time at the Fort and half of our time in Port Townsend, taking advantage of the overcast but not rainy day to shoot some great architecture and marine photos.  






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