Please help the club by volunteering to fill the fun position of Field Trip Chairperson. Contact Judi Kubes today. Thank you!
Join The Tacoma Photographic Society Today
The Tacoma Photographic Society offers you an opportunity to join a premier photo club that will help you take your photography knowledge and capturing and editing skills to the next level. Our members are always available to help other members improve. Don't hesitate to contact one of them if you have any questions or need assistance with anything including equipment selection, camera settings, software programs, editing tools, features, and processes, etc. You do NOT have to live in the Tacoma area to become a member. We have many members from different areas in the South Sound.
Annual Membership - $40 per year
- You may request image critiques or opt out of some or all of the critiques on a photo-by-photo basis.
- You may choose to show your watermark on your photos at all times, only to members, only to the public, or none at all in our Slideshows of Winning Images on the Home Page of the TPS website. These watermarks are added by the website software program but you have the choice to show or hide them. Watermarks are not allowed during the competition judging and voting process so that photographers remain anonymous. If you place a watermark on your image, it will be disqualified. All judging and voting is done anonymously.
- You may choose to share your contact information in your membership account with only members or none at all.
- Presentations & Software editing assistance/tutorials - Please volunteer to head up these events by sharing your knowledge and skills.
To Become A Member Of The Tacoma Photographic Society,
Here Are A Few Simple Steps You Will Go Through
- DO NOT pay directly through your personal PayPal Account. Your payment won't be properly credited to the TPS PayPal account. You MUST pay through the TPS website using the PayPal drop-down menu link provided below.
- Pay for your annual membership. Y
ou can also use your major credit card or a debit card. You do NOT have to have a personal PayPal account to use the TPS PayPal system. You can use it as a guest. Scroll to the bottom of the PayPal page and you should see the guest option. PayPal allows you to use any credit/debit card you want and will provide both you and the TPS with receipts. It’s the quickest, easiest, and most accurate way to pay your annual dues.
- After you pay for your membership, save your PayPal receipt, go to the website Home page, and click on the gray Login button on the upper right. Create a Login Name and Password (on the left). Your Login Name does not have to be your email address.
- If, at any time, you forget your password, scroll down the page just a little and click on "Reset Password". A new temporary password will be emailed to you.
You can then create a new permanent password. You can also change your Login Name from your email address to another word.
- Go to My Account > My Account Settings > Update Personal Profile and Organization Options and complete your personal profile. Be sure to read about, and make your choices regarding your
privacy options, photo size, and watermark choice for the public and for TPS members.
- Please do NOT pay the membership dues for someone else such as a spouse or friend. Each member must be logged into their own personal account in order to receive proper credit for their own membership payment.
Please click on the TPS PayPal account link below:
Please Note: You are not a member until you complete all steps listed above and have been officially "approved" and your account "activated". This usually takes 1-2 days to complete. You will not receive email messages and will not have full access to the website features and information until your account is activated.
Welcome To The Tacoma Photographic Society!
We hope you enjoy taking advantage of the different activities and events we offer throughout the year! Take some time to look at the entire website and become familiar with the features along with some of the help menu items.
- The Home Page of the website is where you will see the latest information to keep our members informed of all TPS activities. You will see the slideshows of winning images from various TPS, PSA, and NWCCC competition. We will do our best to post the latest announcements and details for upcoming events such as presentations, field trips, tutorials, etc. Stay informed by checking the Home Page often. Some news articles may be posted without email notices being routinely sent out to our members.
- Check out the club's Calendar on a regular basis to keep informed of the club activities. Try using the "Agenda" view option (top right corner) which is easier to read all of the event details. Double click on the event description and it will open to a larger size that is easier to read.

- We have several educational pages offering links to photography websites and tutorials. Please feel free to send any additional free educational website links to Cheryl Thielhorn through the website email system at: Membership > Send Email To Members > click on the "T" in the alphabet list > click on "Find Members".
- Be sure to read all about The different types of competitions the TPS is involved with at Competitions > Our Competition Events as well as at About Us > History & Competitions.
- Getting Started with Competitions
- Videos on Basic Training for the website