We need a volunteer to fill the Print Competition Assistant position and two website assistant volunteers. Please contact the "Management Committee". We can't have a club without volunteers! Thank you!

Image Sequences

An "Image Sequence" is a group of images that are to be treated in judging as a single image. When an Image Sequence is placed in a Gallery, each of the images in the sequence are displayed.

Images in an Image Sequence have an order that you specify when you create or modify an Image Sequence. Think of an Image Sequence as a container holding the images in the sequence. An Image Sequence is assigned an Image Id, just like a regular image, but is only used as a container for other images. You should not place an Image Sequence within another Image Sequence.

An Image Sequence may be assigned a title but the title is not displayed with the images. It is only used to help you identify the Image Sequence within your library of images. All of your images and Image Sequences are accessed via the "My Account" > "My Image Library" menu.

To create an Image Sequence via the ICM program

  1. Use the Import/Export tab for a competition.
  2. Import a file name with a sequence number embedded in the title portion of the file name. Place the number in square brackets, e.g. “P This is my title [3]--Author.jpg”. You may also use the “Start Sequence” button and specify the sequence number of the image within the sequence.

To create an Image Sequence on the web

  1. Use the menu My Account, My Image Library.
  2. Upload the images that will be in your sequence using the “Add a Single Image” button. In your title you may place “[]” to indicate the insertion point for the image sequence number, but you must NOT supply a number.
  3. After your images have been uploaded, use the “Add an Image Sequence” button to assemble the Image Sequence. Here is where you will add existing images and indicate the order of the images in the sequence.

To submit an Image Sequence to a competition

  1. Use the menu Competitions, Submit Images to a Competition.
  2. Select the competition to enter.
  3. Click “Add Images from a Previous Upload”.
  4. Find your Image Sequence using the filter. Consider filtering on recently created entries.
  5. Check the box for the Image Sequence entry, NOT for the individual images.

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