The TPS needs a volunteer to fill the Print Competition Assistant position. Please contact Bruce Severeid to volunteer. We also need two website assistant volunteers. Please contact Cheryl Thielhorn. We can't have a club without volunteers! Thank you!

Login Help

Your website provides only a small subset of pages to the public. You must be a member of an organization and login to your website to use many of the features of the website.

The login process is quite simple once your account has been setup. You may create your own account or a website administrator may create an account for you. You must not create duplicate or generic accounts. If your administrator created an account for you, please use that account instead of creating another account.

Each user has a "Login Name" and a password associated with that name. Your "Login Name" is not case sensitive, but your password is case sensitive. Make sure your "Caps Lock" button on your keyboard is not set when entering in your password.

To Login, click the "Login" word in the top right corner of the screen. This will bring you to the login page. Enter your "Login Name" and then your password.

If you wish to be automatically logged in each time you visit this website, check the box that says "Remember me and login automatically when I return". If this item is checked, you will not need to enter in your Login Name or password when you visit this website. This also means, however, that anybody else that uses your computer will be able to access your account. Do not use this check box if you share your computer with other people or if you use a public computer.

Finally, you must click the button labeled "Login" to complete the login process.

Keep in mind that web browser pages do not normally transmit the information on a page to a web server until you click a button. If you fill in fields and then navigate to another page the server will not see what you entered onto the page.

You must not configure your browser to completely block cookies, since cookies are needed to remember that you are logged in. Click here for more information on cookies.

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